Brochures and Flyers on Novocontrol Technologies Products
Alpha-A Analyzer Series and Its Test Interfaces:
- High Performance Dielectric, Conductivity and Electrochemical Impedance Analyzers
- Test Interfaces for the Alpha-A Modular Measurement System
- Alpha-A analyzer series mainframes
- Alpha-A active sample cell ZGS
- Two-wire general purpose test interface ZG2
- Two/three/four-wire general purpose test interface ZG4
- High-voltage test interface HVB 300 (300 Vpp)
- High-voltage test interface HVB 1000 (1000 Vpp)
- High-voltage test interface HVB 4000 (4000 Vpp)
- High-current electrochemical test interface with potentiostat/galvanostat function (2 A)
- High-current electrochemical test interface with potentiostat/galvanostat function (10 A)
Stand-alone Dielectric Analyzers/Impedance Analyzers:
Concept Systems
Temperature Control Systems:
High Pressure System:
TSDC System:
- TSDC sample cell
- WinTSC: Control program for the Novocontrol Technologies TSDC measurement system
Sample Cells
Spin Coaters
- SCC-200 Top-Class Microprocessor-Controlled Spin Coater
- SCE High-End Spin Coater
- SCR Economical Spin Coater
- SCI225-mini Small-Size Economical Spin Coater
- DETACHEM: New Analyzer control and data visualisation software for both frequency and time domains
- WinDETA: Analyzer control and data visualisation software (obsolete)
- WinIMP: Economical WinDETA version (without support for temperature control systems)
- WinFIT: Easy-to-use non-linear fitting program for the data analysis of dielectric and impedance data
- WinTSC: Control program for the Novocontrol Technologies TSDC measurement system