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Excellence in Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy • Impedance Spectroscopy • Conductivity Spectroscopy

Temperature Control Systems


Temperature control extends the performance of dielectric- and impedance spectroscopy.

Many key aspects of material properties such as molecular relaxations, conductivity, phase separation, phase transitions, activation energy, glass temperature, rate of blending, purity, ageing, curing and many others can be determined.


All Novocontrol temperature systems are turn key and microprocessor controlled.

They are designed for easy, safe and full automatic operation enabling computer controlled experiments over several days without supervision as required for low frequency measurements.

All systems are operated either from the front panel or by a GPIB computer interface. 

The following temperature control systems are available and can be combined with any BDS dielectric- and impedance spectroscopy systems.

Exceptions are the Phecos Peltier Heat/Cool System which offers optional sample set-ups for particular applications (e.g., dielectric and conductivity spectroscopy, measurements on interdigitated electrodes), and Novotherm-HT system which requires a special high temperature sample cell. These two devices cannot be combined with the RF Analyzers

Quatro Cryosystem

Quatro Cryosystem

−160 °C .. 400 °C

High precision, fast settling

Brochure (PDF)



 −100 °C .. 250 °C

Economical cryosystem

Brochure (PDF)



 −50 °C .. 200 °C

Peltier Heat/Cool System

Brochure (PDF)



Ambient to 400 °C

Fast settling heating system

Brochure (PDF)



Ambient to 1200 °C, 1400 °C, or 1600 °C

High temperature heating system with atmosphere control option

Brochure (PDF)

Preparation Chamber

Preparation chamber

25 °C to 400 °C

Sample preparation under vacuum controlled atmosphere and temperature

Brochure (PDF)