WinChem Control and Evaluation Software for the Time Domain
Time domain analysis
For users of our POT/GAL electrochemical test interfaces for the Alpha-A, WinCHEM is the software of choice to perform and analyze voltage and current measurements in the time domain. WinCHEM allows you to define a large variety of voltage or current profiles as a function of time and to monitor the complementary property, current or voltage. Its enormous flexibility allows you to freely define a large number of different experiments and to vary experimental conditions in wide ranges.
WinCHEM Features:
- Full support of all POT/GAL experiments and features in the time domain
- Supports arbitrary voltage and current waveforms for potentiostatic and galvanostatic experiments, respectively.
- Imports external waveforms from text files
- Uniform graphical user inferface similar to our WinDETA software for the frequency domain
- Graphical online display of measured data, temperature curve and system status
- Integrated plot software to display multiple data sets in a single graph, 3D diagrams
- Exports/imports data in several flexible user-defined text formats
- Automatic calibration of measurement devices
- Easy set-up and repetition of experiments via preset files
Supported Techniques and Methods:
- All types of measurements under potentiostatic conditions
- All types of measurements under galvanostatic conditions
- Cyclic voltammetry
- Square Wave Voltammetry
- Linear Sweep
- Staircase,
- Chrono-Amperometry
- Pulsed and stepped methods
Systems and Applications:
- Fuels cells (SOFC, PEMFC, ...) and their components
- Batteries and battery components
- Ionic liquids
- Ion conductors
- Sensors and sensor components
- Electrodeposition
- Electrocatalysis
- Production of nanoparticles
System requirements
- Novocontrol Alpha-A analyzer + POT/GAL electrochemical test interface (versions with maxium current of 2 A and 10 A available)
- Novocontrol GPIB interface BDS 1501 or National Instruments GPIB interfaces
- One of the following operationg systems: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, or XP