Sample Cells Overview
The sample cells used
in our dielectric,
conductivity and impedance spectrometers are shown
below. For details, click on the cell headers.
In all cells, the sample material is prepared between additional external parallel plate electrodes
BDS 1301 or BDS 210X
in order to
form a sandwich capacitor as shown below. For the measurements,
the sandwich capacitor is mounted between the cell
For solid samples, the electrode spacing is adjusted by the sample thickness, for
liquids or powders, additional spacers or the liquid cell BDS 1308 may be used.
All cells except the high temperature cell are compatible with all
temperature control systems .
BDS 1200
Standard Sample Cell
DC .. 10 MHz passive standard cell with 4 wire BNC plugs
BDS 1307
Precision cell for high-permittivity liquids with cylindrical electrodes and guard ring for usage
with BDS 1200 or Alpha active cell
BDS 1308
Sealed parallel-plate cell for liquids of of low to medium
conductivity for usage with BDS 1200 or Alpha active cell
BDS 1314
BDS 1314 Guard Ring for usage with sample cells BDS 1200 or Alpha active cell ZGS
BDS 1410
Interdigitated Electrode
Gold-plated high-quality version.
Sample covers a comb-like electrode microstructure. Easier to handle
than parallel-plate sample, but less accurate.
BDS 1411
Interdigitated Electrode
Economical version for one-time use, routine measurements, quality control.
Sample covers a comb-like electrode microstructure. Easier to handle
than parallel-plate sample, but less accurate.
BDS 2101
RF sample cell and extension line with flange including BDS 2100, BDS 2230, Pt100 temperature
sensor and a pair of 5 mm electrodes
BDS 2100
RF sample cell with coaxial short, 7 mm diameter, including one set of 5 mm
diameter RF electrodes
BDS 2200
RF sample cell with coaxial short, 14 mm diameter, including
one set of 10 mm diameter RF electrodes